CYE’s team has ample experience in development aid in more than 30 countries throughout the world, in the frame of projects and programmes financed by the most important bilateral and multilateral institutions of cooperation.
The regional WIO programme on Blue Economy, Ocean governance and coastal conservation and restoration is planned to be part of the Annual Action Plan 2023. His overall objective is to support the identification and formulation of a regional initiative in the Western Indian Ocean, to support and boost a sustainable regional ocean governance and management. There were three specific objectives: (i) Analyse previous and ongoing interventions in the region, draw lessons, complete, develop and prioritise the geographic scope, the components/priorities of the regional programme; (ii) Propose the set-up of the regional programme, notably the implementation modalities, the relevant anchoring and architecture; (iii) Formulate of a draft Action Document.
The mission was carried out through several stages, including the inception phase/document analysis, field missions to the beneficiary countries located on the coasts of the Western Indian Ocean; synthesize the information collected and consolidate the results.
In a team composed by six senior experts, two of them were provided and managed by CYE Consult.