CYE’s team has ample experience in development aid in more than 30 countries throughout the world, in the frame of projects and programmes financed by the most important bilateral and multilateral institutions of cooperation.
FIDP’s overall objective is to achieve a sustainable improvement in the livelihoods of rural communities through diversifying farmers’ incomes. This is to be achieved by assisting smallholder farmers to consider farming as a business rather than a means of subsistence, while at the same time conserving and enhancing the natural resource base upon which production depends. Through an integrated approach the programme supports: the sustainable use of soil and water resources; a diversification and intensification of agricultural production; the strengthening of farmer organizations; and the marketing of produce.
The general objective of the consultancy was to undertake the mid-term evaluation of the FIDP.
The consultants also provided recommendations for the design of the potential phase two of the programme including examining a number of possible modalities, compliance with the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the proactive integration of cross cutting issues.