CYE’s team has ample experience in development aid in more than 30 countries throughout the world, in the frame of projects and programmes financed by the most important bilateral and multilateral institutions of cooperation.
The main priorities for the evaluation mission were highlighted in the ToR, especially linked to the specific evaluation criteria added to the usual DAC criteria. As requested, the focus of evaluation has been on the assessment of achievements, the quality and the results of KCEP-CRAL and IPP-GAP projects with an increasing emphasis on result-oriented approaches and the contribution towards the implementation of the SDGs. The logic of intervention and the relevant theory of change have been described during the inception phase to guide the development of the final evaluation questions and provide a better understanding of the relationships between actions, and outcomes. Lessons learned and evidence-based conclusions were drawn out, as well as recommendations related to the improvement of the ongoing KCEP-CRAL project and to the design of future Actions with particular reference to coherence with EU and national policies and coordination with other development partners.