CYE’s team has ample experience in development aid in more than 30 countries throughout the world, in the frame of projects and programmes financed by the most important bilateral and multilateral institutions of cooperation.
Jul 2008 - Oct 2008
EDF (European Development Fund)
Value chain analysis of selected commodities and institutional development across the agri-food sector (IDAF)
The purpose of the programme IDAF (Institutional Development across the Agri-Food Sector) is to support and facilitate an enabling institutional environment for development and growth across the agri-food value chain, through the development of institutional capacities of public and non-public actors, within a coherent conceptual framework.
The global objective of the consultancy is to advise on the prioritization of investments in the agribusiness sector through a participatory value chain analysis, the identification of key actions that can improve the efficiency of each of the value chains as well as the general agri-business environment in Malawi.
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