CYE’s team has ample experience in development aid in more than 30 countries throughout the world, in the frame of projects and programmes financed by the most important bilateral and multilateral institutions of cooperation.
The Caribbeans
Oct 2008 - Oct 2009
EC (European Commission)
Implementation of awareness campaigns and production of videos for the project FOMUDE (Institutional strengthening and decentralization)
The Municipal regime of Costa Rica displays weaknesses within its institutional, financial and human resources development, which reinforces the centralistic governmental policy of the State offering arguments to the incapacity of municipalities to assume new responsibilities.
The project aims at improving knowledge and perception of the population in Costa Rica with respect to its Municipal Regime and the work that the project FOMUDE is carrying on to support modernization and decentralization of the State in the framework of the Cooperation policy of the European Union towards Costa Rica.
Main activities:
- Creation, production and implementation of four awareness campaigns in the main written and audiovisual Medias of Costa Rica so as to have an impact over the whole national territory.
- Production of 5 institutional and didactical videos from 8 to 10 minutes. Click here to watch one of the videos online.
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