CYE’s team has ample experience in development aid in more than 30 countries throughout the world, in the frame of projects and programmes financed by the most important bilateral and multilateral institutions of cooperation.
The Caribbeans
The principal objectives of the Programme are:
(i) Information: improve and implement information systems to adequately prevent from, anticipate and respond to natural disasters.
(ii) Preparedness: improve the assistance to the victims thanks to a decentralized answer that would be more efficient, timely and adapted to the requirements of the moment
(iii) Prevention: reduce the vulnerability of the country towards natural disasters by means of prevention measures through the use the state’s resources focusing on risks and a major control of forest fires. The efforts of the Programme aim at fostering the Government institutions in charge of Risk Management.
The goal of the mid term evaluation was to provide the Dominican Republic Government, the EC Delegation, the PNUD and all the partners of the Programme sufficient information to:
- Have a general independent evaluation on the results of the Programme
- Identify the lessons learned and propose recommendations to continue the implementation of the Programme, including its possible reorientation.