
The evaluation assignments focus on projects and programs in the field of international cooperation for development, and are intended to provide the entities directly concerned with an external and independent opinion on the progress of these interventions.

CYE Consult specializes in evaluations in the areas of its activities, and it already has significant experience in this kind of assignments.

The evaluation mission can take place during project implementation or after the project is closed. Usually, the members of the mission are required to answer, in their final report, a certain number of questions relating in particular to the relevance, the impact observed on the potential beneficiaries, the efficiency and the effectiveness in the use of the available resources, and the expected sustainability of the intervention over time. Other criteria may be added as appropriate, such as gender and environmental protection aspects.

In order to avoid any conflict of interest, the experts who are members of evaluation missions cannot be directly or indirectly linked in any way with the design and implementation of the interventions to be evaluated.

Another type of mission concerns the analysis of the framework and the methodology to be applied during the evaluations, as well as the analysis of their overall results in time and space. In the latter case, these are called "meta-evaluation" assignments.

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