CYE Consult has acquired considerable expertise in the field of water management, specifically regarding water supply and sewerage as well as hydrological, fluvial, littoral hydraulic and river developments.
CYE Consult is highly proficient in the techniques required in the production and distribution of drinkable and industrial water, from resource mobilization to its delivery to the users, and also in the field of wastewater sanitation. The company offers consultancy services in all phases of the project cycle:
- Technical Assistance to Sector-based policy design
- Project Cycle Management
- Project identification and formulation
- Project Monitoring and Evaluation
- Feasibility studies
- Master Plans
- Impact Assessment
CYE Consult is specialized in the following areas:
- Water resources management and optimisation
- Appraisal of the water market
- Water distribution systems and networks
- Wastewater collection, treatment and disposal
- Wastewater treatment plants
- Design of ocean outfalls for the discharge of wastewater
- Cost recovery analysis - Tariff studies